Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Have to find time to figure out that picasa if not cant upload my own photos in the blog. I've got really nice photos of Redang (minus my face).

Oh Redang, sunny island set in the sea ~~~~~ Oh Redang!!! We stay in atap houses, when open the door can see the sea and the resort's private beach, so nice! The sand so fine and the water is like swimming pool water, can see fishes. And I saw NEMO!!! Everyday is eat swim eat sleep, what a life. So simple yet so enjoyable, maybe once in a while can try these kinda lifestyle for a month or 2. Outside the atap house is a tap, so we brush our teeth squatting outside and wash clothes also, so kampung, so fun ~haha~! And then at night nothing to do, cant sleep (coz got mosquitoes) so we went to sit at the beach and you know what? the sky is full of stars and we even saw the moon rising from the horizon, sounds weird but its true, the moon really came out from the sea!!!!~~~ I also went to see the Mo Mo Cha resort, a rebuilt replica coz the original was set-up just for the movie, cannot last long. But it doesnt really look the same leh, maybe coz i didnt go inside for a look. But nvm, I will go back there again! :-)

I got a really bad sunburn coz I went snorkling and swimming and forgot to reapply sunblock and my suntan lotion is only SPF4 heehehe wanted to get a tan but got a burn instead. Anyway my skin is now finished with the peeling so now is nice tanned healthy skintone ~love it~